
Board of Directors

Revere’s Riders is governed by a Board of Directors with assistance from Officers, some of whom are also voting Board Members.  The organization’s members participate in governance by electing officers and can also remove Directors on a periodic basis. Positions marked with a “star” (*) below are voting members of the Board.


Bradley “Slim” Settle

Slim lives a stress-free life in Cincinnati, Ohio. He’s currently working the night shift at a local factory doing pharmaceutical packaging but always keeps an eye on international opportunities to do private security contracting. Sometimes he goes jogging…but only sometimes.

Slim graduated from Walnut Hills High School in Cincinnati, Ohio then went on to serve in the US Air Force from 1997 to 2004. He earned the Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon and was Top Graduate of the USAF’s Ground Combat Skills training course. Slim served with the Security Forces on multiple deployments throughout the Middle East and Asia. He continues to pass on the skills learned in the military by conducting several public training clinics throughout the year on topics ranging from ruckmarches to orienteering.

You’ll find Slim volunteering at Revere’s Riders events of all types, the NRA Annual Meeting Youth Day, and activities honoring our nation’s veterans. When not volunteering, he does his best to stay WELL REGULATED, take new classes, and learn new skills.
Term expires end of 2024

Vice President*

Phil Brown

Growing up in rural Iowa I was always around firearms and hunting. Learning at an early age from my father the destructive power and the respect needed for those firearms. Mostly in Iowa it was hunting and maybe some shooting of sparrows out of the barn.

Around 2010 my wife and I became active in Project Appleseed and became rifle instructors with me attaining Designated Shoot Boss level. We spent many weekends each year travelling in Indiana teaching students rifle marksmanship and American history. While dealing with Marty’s ovarian cancer we transitioned out of Project Appleseed and help found Reveres Riders. I mainly wanted to practice other disciplines that Revere’s Riders offered such as pistol and rifle.
Term expires end of 2024

Second Vice-President*

Position Vacant

Taking applications! Please contact the President or Vice President to apply.


Steve Branam

Steven  Branam is a retired executive who lives in Plain City, Ohio near Columbus.  A CPA by training, he has experience in a number of different industries where he oversaw all financial activities in these companies.  He also has significant experience with non-profit organizations having served for years on the boards of several notable Columbus arts organizations.  He also worked with his wife on multiple fund raising events in support of the March of Dimes.

He has helped Revere’s Riders staff several Youth Day events at NRAAM and is an active High Power shooter as well as participating in CMP Vintage Sniper and Garand events at the National Matches at Camp Perry.  He is also a history buff and delivers a compelling April 19th presentation which he shares with his shooters as well as many other groups that have invited him to speak.  This has included multiple DAR chapters, Ohio 2A support groups, local historical associations and various library, church and family gatherings.  In addition, he has served as the editor for several historical novels surrounding the Revolutionary War period.
Term expires end of 2025


John Hopkins

John, a.k.a. “Hop”, has been shooting and collecting firearms for over 30 years. John holds NRA Pistol Instructor, NRA Rifle Instructor and Range Safety Officer certifications. John also works as a volunteer for many of the NRA Annual Meetings as a Firearms Safety Inspector. When not instructing at Revere’s Riders events, John likes to compete in shooting biathlons, Run-n-Gun two gun matches, NRA Smallbore, CMP rimfire events as well as “unarmed” obstacle course mud races like Warrior Dash and Spartan Race. John lives in Indianapolis with his wife Chris. He travels the country as an IT field support specialist. Finding and visiting little gun shops across the country has become a side benefit to all the hours of work travel.
Term expires end of 2025


Becki Gibson

Term expires end of 2026

Positions Vacant (x4)

If you would like to become a board member, please contact the President or Vice President to indicate your interest.


Executive Officer for Marksmanship (Pistol)

Al Field

Executive Officer for Marksmanship (Rifle)

Bradley Settle

Slim lives a stress-free life in Cincinnati, Ohio. He’s currently working the night shift at a local factory doing pharmaceutical packaging but always keeps an eye on international opportunities to do private security contracting. Sometimes he goes jogging…but only sometimes.

Slim graduated from Walnut Hills High School in Cincinnati, Ohio then went on to serve in the US Air Force from 1997 to 2004. He earned the Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon and was Top Graduate of the USAF’s Ground Combat Skills training course. Slim served with the Security Forces on multiple deployments throughout the Middle East and Asia. He continues to pass on the skills learned in the military by conducting several public training clinics throughout the year on topics ranging from ruckmarches to orienteering.

You’ll find Slim volunteering at Revere’s Riders events of all types, the NRA Annual Meeting Youth Day, and activities honoring our nation’s veterans. When not volunteering, he does his best to stay WELL REGULATED, take new classes, and learn new skills.

Executive Officer for Marksmanship (Carbine)

Position Vacant

Taking applications! Please refer to the job description and contact the President or Vice President to apply.

Executive Officer for Range Operations

Brad Hammack

Executive Officers for History

Scott Brown
Rich Hargan

Executive Officer for Civic Engagement

Matt Hill

Executive Officer for Event Management

Position Vacant

Taking applications! Please refer to the job description and contact the President or Vice President to apply.

Director of Marketing

Position Vacant

Taking applications! Please refer to the job description and contact the President or Vice President to apply.


Becki Gibson


Position Vacant

Taking applications! Please refer to the job description and contact the President or Vice President to apply.

Accountability and Transparency

We are committed to maintaining a healthy organizational climate with the highest ethical standards. Information that we make public includes the following:

We also maintain a GuideStar non-profit profile:



The Board and Officers have adopted several policies:

  • Privacy Policy: See link
  • Non-Discrimination Policy: Membership is open to all citizens of good repute without regard to age (except as stipulated by law), ethnic origin, gender, physical ability, race, religious or sexual preferences.
  • Non-Violence Policy: This organization is organized for lawful purposes and has not and shall not attempt or advocate the overthrow of the United States Government, or any of its political subdivisions by force or violence. This organization will not knowingly admit to membership any person who is a member of any organization which has any part of its program the purpose of overthrowing the government as stated above.
  • Whistleblower Policy: This organization requires directors, officers and members to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. As employees and representatives, we must practice honesty and integrity in fulfilling our responsibilities and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.  If any member, or a representative of the general public, suspects any sort of unethical behavior or behavior contrary to our organization’s purposes is occurring, they are encouraged to report directly to a Key Officer or member of the Board of Directors.  It is contrary to our values for anyone to retaliate against any board member, officer, employee or volunteer who in good faith reports an ethics violation, or a suspected violation of law, such as a complaint of discrimination, or suspected fraud, or suspected violation of any regulation governing our operations.  Violations or suspected violations may be submitted on a confidential basis by the complainant.  Reports of violations or suspected violations will be kept confidential to the extent possible, consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation.  An Officer will notify the person who submitted a complaint and acknowledge receipt of the reported violation or suspected violation. All reports will be promptly investigated and appropriate corrective action will be taken if warranted by the investigation.


Revere’s Riders asserts trademark protection for the below phrases:

  • “Revere’s Riders”™
  • “Revere’s Marksmen”™
  • “Revere’s Messenger”™
  • “Marty Brown Memorial”™
  • “Marty Brown Memorial Open”™
  • “Marty Brown Memorial Invitational”™
  • “Whittemore Weekend”™
  • “Battle Road Biathlon”™

Any use of the above trademarks without the express written consent of Revere’s Riders is prohibited.