Below are some questions (with accompanying answers) that we frequently receive. If you still have questions, please contact the following person(s) for additional assistance:

  • for questions regarding an event, please contact the Event Director (usually listed on the event information page).
  • for questions regarding Revere’s Riders itself, please contact the appropriate person listed on our Contact Information page.
  • for questions or issues regarding the website itself, please contact the webmaster.
  • any other questions can be directed to the webmaster and he will get you in touch with the appropriate person(s).

We’ve created a guide on what to bring and what to leave at home: What to Bring. If you still have questions, please contact the Event Director listed for your event.

Students at pistol events are required to bring a drop-safe handgun.  Pistols without drop safeties may discharge if accidentally dropped and thus pose a danger to our volunteers and students.  Typical pistols that lack drop safeties include single action designs older than the 1980s, some military surplus pistols (especially from the Eastern Bloc), and Taurus PT-series pistols involved in an international recall.  Most modern pistols should be fine. If you are in doubt regarding whether your pistol is drop-safe or not, contact the firearm manufacturer or a competent gunsmith/armorer.

We’ve created a page with suggestions for equipment from our instructors: Suggested Gear. You can purchase the products listed from the Revere’s Riders Amazon Store (a portion of your purchase will go towards funding our mission) or from A&A Optics. If you still have questions regarding appropriate equipment for one of our events, please contact the Event Director listed for your event.

On occasion, you may need to edit the details you supplied when you purchased your ticket (e.g., you can’t make the event and want to give your ticket to a buddy, the event required information on the firearms you are bringing and you need to update that information, etc.). This is easily done by going to the page for the event in question (you should be logged in to the website under the account you used to purchase the tickets). In place of the previous ticket selector, you should see something like this:

Simply click the “View your Tickets” link and you can edit the ticket information as needed (you may need to click the “Toggle Attendee Info” link to show the ticket information). When you’re done updating the ticket information, simply click “Update Tickets”.

First, thank you for attending one of our events!

Besides attending our events, you can further support Revere’s Riders in a number of ways:

  1. Attend another event.
  2. Make a monetary donation.
  3. Purchase a membership (and get a discount on future ticket purchases!)
  4. Purchase from the Revere’s Riders Amazon Store (Revere’s Riders receives a portion of your total purchase).
  5. Set Revere’s Riders of Las Vegas, NV as your preferred charity at Amazon Smile (0.5% of your purchases will be donated to Revere’s Riders).
  6. Volunteer to help out at our events.

If you’d like to embed a list of upcoming Revere’s Riders events on your website, you can take advantage of our iCal feeds. If you’re running WordPress like we are, then there are several plugins available that will read and display the Revere’s Riders iCal feeds (we’ve used ICS Calendar and found it to work well).

If you’d like more information, please contact the webmaster.