Pistol Programs

First Steps Pistol (½ Day)

Prerequisites:  None

Estimated Ammunition Required:  50 rounds

First Steps Pistol is designed to provide a hands-on introduction to the safe handling and proper orientation to one specific pistol action type for small classes students. This course is at least three hours long and includes classroom and range time learning to shoot a specific pistol action type. Students will learn the  rules for safe gun handling; the particular pistol model parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; cleaning the pistol; and continued opportunities for skill development.

Basic Pistol (One Day)

Prerequisites:  None

Estimated Ammunition Required:  150-200 rounds

This course is at least 8-hours long and includes classroom and range time learning to shoot revolvers and semi-automatic pistols. Students learn rules for safe gun handling; pistol parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; range rules; shooting from the bench rest position, and two-handed standing positions; cleaning the pistol; and continued opportunities for skill development.

Students will usually have a chance to shoot the Classic Pistol Qualification Test for score at the conclusion of the class.

Suggested Gear: Basic Pistol Gear

Upcoming Basic Pistol Events:

Ladies Only Pistol Skills Development Clinic – One Day (Milan, OH)
1-day Pistol Skills Development Clinic event at Tusco Rifle Club near Midvale, OH.
Ladies Only: Basic Pistol – One Day (Liberty, IN)
1-day Basic Pistol event at Earnst-Hargan Property near Liberty, IN.
Ladies Only Pistol Skills Development Clinic – One Day (Toledo/Curtice, OH)
1-day Pistol Skills Development Clinic event at Tusco Rifle Club near Midvale, OH.
Intermediate Pistol – Two Day (Gibsonburg, Ohio)
2-day Pistol Skills Development Clinic at Wolf Creek Sportsmen's Association near Curtice, OH.
Ladies Only Pistol Skills Development Clinic – One Day (Toledo/Curtice, OH)
1-day Pistol Skills Development Clinic event at Wolf Creek Sportsman Association, Curtice, Ohio.

Intro to Defensive Pistol (One Day)

Prerequisites: Suggested—Revere’s Riders Basic Pistol or similar.

Estimated Ammunition Required: About 500 rounds.

Intro to Defensive Pistol begins with an overview of the range rules, safety procedures and quick reminder of the fundamentals from basic pistol. From there, the course focuses on the mechanics of defensive pistol shooting (i.e., drawing from the holster).  Lecture topics include: “Why do we do this?”, the physiological and psychological aspects of dynamic critical incidents for both the “good guy” and the “bad guy”, firearms and ancillary equipment for defensive use among other topics. Range exercises build on each successive evolution ending the day with a simple drill that rehearses the physical and mental issues dealt with during the class.

Suggested Gear: Defensive Pistol Gear

Upcoming Intro to Defensive Pistol Events:

There are no upcoming events.

Defensive Pistol (One Day)

Prerequisites: Suggested—Revere’s Riders Defensive Pistol or similar.

Estimated Ammunition Required: About 500 rounds.

Defensive Pistol begins with an overview of the range rules, safety procedures and quick reminder of the fundamentals from basic pistol. Mechanics of the draw stroke, reloading techniques, pistol grip, shooting positions, shooting on the move, use of concealment and cover, engagement of multiple targets, etc. will all be covered.

Suggested Gear: Defensive Pistol Gear

Upcoming Defensive Pistol Events:

There are no upcoming events.