

In late April, a group of shooters braved unseasonably wet, blustery and cold weather in the Mojave to attend a one day basic rifle clinic at the Clark County Shooting
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Recently Revere’s Riders held a special “Field Rifle ­ Skill Builder,” hosted by Newman’s Gun Club in Sesser, IL. This skill building clinic was designed for intermediate shooters familiar with their
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The Revere’s Riders Rifle Qualifier is based on a long tradition of American Rifle marksmanship. We most directly trace the roots of our qualifier to the WW2 and Korea M1
Tonight Revere’s Riders hosted a CMP Rimfire Sporter Match at the Clark County Shooting Park in Las Vegas, NV.  After warming up with “Morgan’s 13,” a challenging course of fire
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Revere’s Riders Timer App

One of our volunteers has created a free Android App that allows you to practice the times for our Rifle Qualification Test course of fire on your own! Practice building
April 19 — the anniversary of Paul Revere’s famous ride and the “shot heard ’round the world” — will soon be upon us!  Please check the schedule of events for

Hits Count: Morgan’s Shingle

Editor’s Note:  This article is in a series about the heritage of our marksmanship challenges.  Click here for the introduction to the series. If you attend a Revere’s Riders rifle
One of our great volunteers and officers, Sharon, was recently featured in an article from Sportsmen’s Monthly! Sportsmen’s Monthly is a publication of the Sportsman’s Alliance.  Volunteers from Revere’s Riders
Revere’s Riders held a Basic Rifle class last weekend.  Our students braved a windy November Nevada day but enjoyed beautiful sunny skies and a great rifle class at the Boulder
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