

Patriot’s Day 2017

Listen my children and you shall hear Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five; Hardly a man is now alive Who remembers that
The Civilian Marksmanship Program is reportedly slated to receive tens of thousands of M1 Garands from the Philippines!  The CMP reconditions these rifles and sells them to the public in
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Want to apply everything you’ve learned at a Revere’s Riders event about making hits at range?  Want to blow stuff up?  Want to get discounts on Boomershoot and our AR Challenge
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April 19 — the anniversary of Paul Revere’s famous ride and the “shot heard ’round the world” — will soon be upon us!  In honor of courage of patriots who stood their
On a cold, wet and blustery morning, five shooters braved the elements at Clark County Shooting Complex to shoot the Civilian Marksmanship Program’s National Match service rifle event (short course).
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Early February provided optimal weather to enjoy a Rifle 262 (Field Rifle) clinic at Camp Atterbury.  20 students took the opportunity to join us from 11-12 February to celebrate George
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“We had a great start to the day 14 students (4 youth) and 9 instructors for the inaugural event at Lower Providence Rod and Gun Club and the inaugural rifle
What a weekend in Las Vegas at the beautiful Clark County Shooting Park!  We enjoyed perfect weather for a weekend full of shooting sports, history, and civic engagement with a
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This weekend Revere’s Riders hosted a rifle and pistol match in partnership with NVFAC.   The Nevada Firearms Coalition is dedicated to the ownership and safe use of firearms for self-defense,
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