

Several historic events for Revere’s Riders as an organization occurred on August 4th, 2018: the first Battle Road Biathlon℠ (combined athletic/shooting event), the first event at Kentucky’s newest venue, a private
Jeannie Redicker (“Rayne”) and Kevin Fitzgerald (“Unbridled Liberty“) participated in the Smallbore Rifle matches at the 2018 Bluegrass State Games held in July. It was their  3rd and 4th straight years,
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One of Revere’s Riders Indiana instructors, Jeannie (“Rayne”) Redicker, was the top woman in the “T” division at the Civilian Marksmanship Program’s (CMP) National Rimfire Sporter Match at Camp Perry,
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In spite of the heat and humidity, we had 13 shooters on the line to test their pistol and rifle marksmanship in adverse conditions. A&A Optics graciously hosted this event
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Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world; most of us have purchased something (if not 100’s of things) from Amazon. You may have noticed that some of the
One of our experienced volunteers found an interesting document from the Concord, MA Chamber of Commerce with an hour-by-hour account of the events of April 19, 1775.  While the pamphlet

An Ode for the 4th of July 1788

AN ODE FOR THE 4th OF JULY 1788., OH for a muse of fire! to mount the skies And to a list’ning world proclaim— Behold! behold! an empire rise! An Æra
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All of us at Revere’s Riders wish you a happy Fourth of July.  On this special day we celebrate “Every American Choosing Libery, Every Day!” In honor of the holiday, the

Independence Day Sale 2018

In honor of Independence Day, Revere’s Riders is offering 20% off all purchases over $100.  This includes all event tickets and memberships.  Thanks for celebrating with us! Use coupon code