

Originally, this event was to be conducted entirely on a “pop-up” target rifle range at Camp Atterbury (Range 14). We had reserved this range early in the year but approximately
Skinner Auctioneers Historic Arms & Militaria auction on November 2nd in Marlborough, MA has an interesting item: British Pattern 1756 Long Land Service Musket Marked to the 4th Regiment of Foot.
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The Indiana members of Revere’s Riders attended two Friends of the NRA banquets earlier this year: South Indy Friends of NRA on August 18th and Central Indiana/Hamilton County Friends of
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At most of the Indiana Revere’s Riders events, the last point of instruction is nearly always a short lesson on “known distance” and adjusting your sights. The trajectory of a
A&A Optics along with Patriot Concealment Systems will be sponsoring the upcoming Whittemore Weekend℠ at Lost Creek Conservation Club in Seelyville, IN (just east of Terre Haute, IN) over the
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The Revere’s Riders Facebook page has surpassed a milestone: more than 1,000 followers and likes! Let’s start promoting our Twitter feed so we can get our following there up to

Labor Day Sale

From now through Labor Day, save 10% on your event ticket purchases using discount code “2018-labor-day-10”. We still have several great events coming up this year; you can find all
The National Shooting Sports Foundation has long promoted August as National Shooting Sports Month; on August 1, 2018, President Donald J. Trump made it official. National Shooting Sports Month is
In June, two Revere’s Riders instructors, Bradley Settle (“Slim”) and Kevin Fitz-Gerald (“Unbridled Liberty”), made a journey to Boston, Massachusetts. There they visited what has become known as Battle Road, where,