Marty Brown Memorial Invitational Swag Bags, Give-Aways, Prizes, and Auction Items Posted

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We have finally gone through our pile of donated items from a long list of generous companies from within the firearms industry and beyond. Our thanks to their generosity for making the Marty Brown Memorial™ series of events possible.

LWRC International
Vortex Optics
Timney Triggers
A&A Optics
Warrior Poet Society Network
Cloud Defensive
Premier Arms
Kestrel Meters
Ryan Cleckner
Timber Creek Outdoors
American Outdoor Brands
Pioneer Arms

Click over to see the complete list on the 2021 Marty Brown Memorial Invitational Swag Bags, Give Aways, Prizes, Auctions page of our website.

Highlights include:

Plus lots more items from Voodoo Tactical, Wheeler Tools, Caldwell, Crimson Trace, Magpul, Palmetto State Armory, Tipton, Lockdown, Gun Storage Solutions, Vortex Optics, James Tarr, and Michael Williamson.

The 5th Annual Marty Brown Memorial Invitational™ is, as the name implies, by invitation only. If you can demonstrate either of the following prerequisites for participation:

  • shoot a score of Marksman or better on the Revere’s Riders Rifle Qualification Test (must be in the same calendar year as the Invitational)
  • satisfy the Match Director that you are proficient and safe enough to participate

then we invite you to contact Phil Brown, Marty Brown Memorial Invitational Match Director, to request an invitation to come and spend a weekend with us on the long-distance ranges at Camp Atterbury (home of the NRA National Matches).